10 February 2012

Char Chaffin ~ Book Review

Book and review request comes from the author.

Promises to Keep by Char Chaffin is all about faith, trust and the value of promises in times of great adversity.

It is more than just a ‘sweet’ romance it is a powerfully written story about the repercussions of a misguided mother’s attempt to hold on to her son. It is about social divides and the consequences of loving outside the boundaries you are born in.

The intertwining themes of this story demand powerful characters and Char Chaffin does not disappoint. Even her weaker characters are powerfully portrayed.

This is not a book about super heroes and heroines, this is a story filled with characters the reader may meet in their everyday lives. Ms Chaffin’s characters are flawed, and it is how Ms Chaffin persuades them to face those flaws, that makes this such an absorbing read.

The romance is there from page one to the final sentence and the powerhouse behind that romance and love is forgiveness.

The author’s fluent writing style guides the reader unerringly through several difference paces throughout the book. Her characters are fully developed, her plot is well constructed, and the author presents a beautiful tale of love that endures the realities life throws at it.

Miss Chaffin is an author to watch out for.

It's been a pleasure to have you here Char, best wishes with your book.

You can find Char Chaffin at ~~

My Website: http://char.chaffin.com
My Blog: http://charbchaffin.wordpress.com/

Soul Mate Publishing: http://www.soulmatepublishing.com/promises-to-keep/

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Promises-to-Keep-ebook/dp/B00695RH4M/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1326559313&sr=8-1

Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/promises-to-keep-char-chaffin/1107756848?ean=2940013543355&itm=1&usri=char+chaffin


Char said...

Sherry, thank you so much. I've really enjoyed hanging out with you this week. You have a great blog! Best of luck to you as well. You're a terrific author and I'm looking forward to digging into your novels!


Ann Montclair said...

Sherry did a wonderful job with the review. Promises to Keep is a soulful book. Congratulations, Char Chaffin.