10 July 2012


Sometimes life just seems to fall into place, everything, becomes complex, while at others the simple becomes too complicated to even fathom.

It's simply part of the cycle that is life, but what do you do when you find yourself in that trough?  How do you persuade yourself to get up and get on?

There are writing days that follow that cycle.  One moment you can hardly keep up with your fingers as they try to get your ideas onto the 'page', and the next you find yourself staring at a blank screen, with no idea where the next word is coming from.  Normally, I'd open an independent doc and just write whatever - and not even look at what was going down.  More often than not, it's mostly pretty useless, but there are those occasions when you read it back and you know... You just know - you have a gem.  You also know that it's going to fit into your story somehow, and that when you've solved that puzzle your writing will flow again.

I'm still waiting....

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